
My name is Sky and I purchased a large 1915-ish fixer upper in 2022, then moved in with two friends and three cats. I knew moving in that a lot of redos, upgrades, and a couple larger renovations would be necessary, and we're slowly chipping away as we are taking the DIY approach as much as is possible. All the while I'm learning a lot, and I decided it would be a good idea to chronicle our projects to share with other homeowners or handy folks.

Here at the intersection of frugality and DIY, I'm also dabbling in cooking from scratch, making our own cleaning products, and finding low-waste approaches to things. I hope to share some of those thoughts as well!

You can also find me on Pinterest.

Home Improvement and Repair:

  1. Paint and wallpaper in the office
  2. Soda can solar heater (like this)

Homemaking and Frugality:

  1. Applesauce
  2. Making our own paper (out of spam mail)